1:43 flat, six lengths, much more to give, the longer they went the more beautiful she moved over the Fairgrounds strip. Jockey Rosie Napravnik won the race out of the gate. She guided Untapable off the rail and to the outside of Fiftyshadesofgold. Jockey Napravnik sat like she was on the beach soaking up the Louisiana sun. Robbie Albarado, the jockey aboard Unbridled Forever moved his filly alongside Untapable to engage her turning for home, but Rosie shook the reins, drew the stick from her holster, and the daughter of Tapit yelled bye bye. She moved down the stretch like a fine jazz tune serenading the Fairgrounds crowd. Unbridled Forever who was impressive in her previous wins wasn't any match for Untapable today. I am starting to wonder how did
she lose the Breeders' cup Juvenile fillies. Let's see how the boys show up in the Louisiana and Florida Derby. They may be competing for the headline after this day is over. Untapable has taken some of the bad taste from the Asmussen's barn while showing showing everyone she maybe the best three year old horse in training.
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